Why a Cathedral Treasure Museum in Chur?
The Cathedral Treasure Museum

The Cathedral Treasury Museum, established in the lower sacristy at the beginning of the 1940s, was closed in 2002 due to restoration work. The Cathedral Treasure found shelter in the cultural goods shelter of the Rhaetian Museum.
During the restoration works of the Episcopal Castle, it was decided to exhibit the Cathedral Treasury and the Images of Death anew in the south wing.The opening of the new cathedral treasure museum took place at the end of August 2020.

The painted half-timbered wall of the Images of Death was originally located in the 1st floor of the Episcopal Palace. Rebuilding the Episcopal Palace meant that the half-timbered wall had to be removed in 1882. The picture panels that had been sawn apart were then repositioned in the Rhaetian Museum in Chur. The paintings of death are now accessible to the public for the first time in four decades in the Cathedral Treasure Museum. Please see the article “Über die Planung und Schaffung einer würdigen Stätte für den Domschatz und die Todesbilder im Bischöflichen Schloss” in the Bündner Jahrbuch 2019 (german language only):
The operator of the Cathedral Treasure Museum is the Cathedral Foundation of the Diocese of Chur. On behalf of the Cathedral Foundation, an operating committee is responsible for managing the operation of the Cathedral Treasure Museum.
President of the Cathedral Foundation: H.E. Joseph Maria Bonnemain, Bishop of the Diocese of Chur
President of the operating committee: Anna Barbara Müller
Competence Center
The “Competence Center Cathedral Treasure Museum” takes care of the inventory, professional storage as well as the administration and management of cultural property at the Episcopal Court in Chur. The committee Competence Center is composed of the curator and the operations manager of the Cathedral Treasure Museum as well as the Diocesan archivist. Inquiries should be sent to: info@domschatzmuseum-chur.ch.

The Cathedral foundation of the Diocese of Chur is the sponsor of the Cathedral Treasure Museum.
Friends of Cathedral Treasure Museum Chur Association
The “Association Friends of Cathedral Treasure Museum Chur” supports the Domschatzmuseum ideally and financially. If you would also like to get involved in the operation of the Cathedral Treasure Museum, then join the “Friends of Cathedral Treasure Museum Chur Association”!
The association is tax-exempt and membership fees or donations can therefore be deducted from the taxes.
Conact: info@domschatzmuseum-chur.ch
Board members:
Hans Rutishauser, Trin
Christian Boner, Chur
Catherine Glutz von Blotzheim, Schwyz
Roland Tremp, Chur
Romano Cahannes, Chur
Gion-Luzi Bühler, Cathedral Custos, Chur
Hugo Hafner, Chur
Cathedral Foundation of the Diocese of Chur
Cathedral Treasure Museum
Hof 19
CH – 7000 Chur
Telefon +41 81 258 60 20
The Cathedral Treasure Museum is located in the Episcopal Palace in the court district of the Diocese of Chur. You can find more detailed information on how to get there here.
Diocese of Chur
Cathedral parish
Episcopal archive
Rhaetian Museum
The Art Museum Graubünden
Bündner Naturmuseum
Archaeological Service Graubünden
Monument preservation Graubünden
The Abbaye of St.-Maurice, Treasure
Basel Cathedral Treasury
Domschatz Solothurn
Stiftsschatz Luzern
Kirchenschatz von Valeria
Convent Museum Disentis
Convent Museum Müstair
Mittelalterland (Medieval land)
Chur Tourisme
Graubünden Holiday
Museen Graubünden
Swiss Museums Association
Totentanz-Vereinigung Schweiz
Kirchliche Museen und Schatzkammern im deutschsprachigen Raum
Chur Tourisme
Graubünden Holiday
Museen Graubünden
Swiss Museums Association
Totentanz-Vereinigung Schweiz
Kirchliche Museen und Schatzkammern im deutschsprachigen Raum
KAYAK-Travelguide Chur
Media reports about the Chur Cathedral Treasure Museum
Reporting of RTR on the Chur Cathedral Treasure Museum